Dust If You Must

August 16th – 18th

Traditionally ancient and indigenous cultures have looked at the time of the full moon as an opportunity to see what is holding them back from full filling their soul’s journey. When we partner with horses for self healing and growth we are tapping into our ancestors ways of co creating harmony not only within our selves, but how we move through life. Do you have dreams and aspirations, but feel stuck and unable to move towards them? When you try to move forward are you frequently blocked or are you aware of your own self sabotaging or lack of confidence that prevents you from moving forward to live the life of your dreams? Wise and sentient beings, horses can offer us unique opportunities to see the truths behind our blocks and give us not only the courage, but the clarity and confidence to make healthy choices to fulfill our soul’s purpose.

Informational Flyer Link

Please sign up and pay here


You’ll need to arrive on August 15th, 2019 (a lite meal will be served on this evening) and depart on August 19th, 2019 (the workshop ends at 4:oo on August 18th, 2019). Please let us know if you need a ride from the Montrose Airport. You may want to check flights coming into Grand Junction, CO; they can be considerably less expensive, however you would need to arrange your own transportation.

Please bring appropriate clothing, including boots. No sandals or clogs can be worn around horses. Hats, sunscreen, water bottles and your favorite snacks are encouraged.

There are on-site lodging options, contact us if you’re interested. You are welcome to book nights after the workshop to enjoy the rest of what Montrose has to offer, just let us know.