Women’s Empowerment Group

Equine Experiential Learning jump starts your journey of self discovery and transformation. Connecting with horses helps people reconnect with their heart and soul, their Authentic Self, inspiring healing and growth. They do this easily because horses live in the present moment and are guided by their intuition. They are true masters of non-verbal communication, clearly mirroring to us our subconscious thoughts or behaviors.


Benefits of Partnering with horses:

  • Increase self awareness
  • Strengthen Intuition
  • Improve communication
  • Accelerates personal growth
  • More from surviving to thriving


Our Fall session was great, stay tuned for our Spring Session


$35 per Friday session (sliding scale prices available)
NOTE: Pay for all sessions and get the last session free!

Facilitated by Advanced Eponaquest Instructor, Jody Nixon of Metaphorse Riding Instruction

Register by calling 970-275-9076 or email lovehorses111@outlook.com