Establishing Healthy Boundaries for Teens

April 24, 2024

May 11th, 202410am - 1pm Join us for an self enlightening day with horses. See what you learn about yourself and how well you set boundaries in every aspect of your life! Call 970-275-9076 or email:, to sign ...


3-day course: Masterson Method Equine Specialist Training

January 30, 2024

May 17th - May 19th, 2024 Horses that serve in equine-assisted learning or therapy programs can be challenged in different ways than performance horses, both physically and psychologically. We created the Masterson Method Equine Specialist Course to help the people and horses at equine-assisted activity or therapy (EEAT). This application of The Masterson Method® is focused entirely on these horses and their needs. But not only will you learn to help therapy horses do their jobs better, you will also ...


Heart-Centered Horsemanship

March 3, 2023

March 15th - May 3rd An 8-week course for kids aged 8-16 who want to go beyond riding and truly learn what makes a horse tick. We'll learn to partner with your horses with a heart-to-heart relationship, leaving dominance behind for a much richer experience. After the relationship has been formed, students will learn: Learn to create relationship, horse behavior and responsible partnership. Week 1: Horse Selection Horse time What is relationship? Difference between dominance and ...


Equine Career Day

March 1, 2023

March 25th, 2023 Come out to Sky View Acres and Lone Trout Ranch to learn what it takes to be in the equine industry. To sign up, email or call ...


Masterson Method Equine Specialist

February 3, 2023

May 19th - May 21st, 2023 In this 3-day course, you will learn the basics of how to practice The Masterson Method with horses in equine-assisted activity or therapy (EAAT) programs AND how to help EAAT program participants (clients, students), volunteers, and staff do the simplest techniques with the horse to release tension, build trust and deepen connection. A MMES training may meet your organization's requirements for continued education. Whether you have a learning/therapy program of your own ...


Metaphorse Holiday Wreath Fundraiser

November 13, 2022

We are selling handmade holiday wreaths to help with our Hippotherapy program for $35. Jody makes these wreaths annually and this year she wants all of the proceeds to go towards Metaphorse. We are building a new 125' x 200' riding arena that will support all of our services available. So far, thanks to the Panek Family, we have the excavation 95% complete. We will need to bring down a higher corner where the ground was so hard, we will need a bull dozer to complete. Then, we will need the actual arena ...


Emerging As YourSELF

August 8, 2022

Facilitated by Kerri Lake November 10th - 13th, 2022 This event is an opportunity to feel yourself being among humans without judgment. We will use our awareness to address deep conflicts and defenses in ways that invite humor, kindness, ease and genuine healing. The more willing you are to bring your real life to the conversation, the more movement and experience you give yourself through our conversations. Kerri’s events share pragmatic tools for self-awareness and living with an open heart in ...


Masterson Method Equine Specialist Training

June 28, 2022

September 30th - October 2nd, 2022 Horses that serve in equine-assisted learning or therapy programs can be challenged in different ways than performance horses, both physically and psychologically. We created the Masterson Method Equine Specialist Course to help the people and horses at equine-assisted activity or therapy (EEAT). This application of The Masterson Method® is focused entirely on these horses and their needs. But not only will you learn to help therapy horses do their jobs better, you will ...


Gymkhana Fundraiser

June 5, 2022

Montrose County Fairgrounds July 16th,


Emerging from the Shadows: Systemic Constellations with Horses

April 23, 2022

May 20th - 22nd, 2022 Systems inherently have a way of preserving themselves by keeping things hidden. Yet, there is often a price that we pay when loyal to the system at large in order to belong. When the light of our soul’s truth calls us, it becomes necessary to emerge from the shadows of our life and lineage, so that we can negotiate a new equilibrium that honors our health and wellbeing, while also acknowledging and bowing to our ancestors. Come join us in balancing shadow and light during a ...


1st Annual Fundraiser

March 5, 2022

We are now a non-profit 501(c)(3) organization, come celebrate! April 2nd, 2022 Come to Upstairs at Precedence in downtown Montrose for a fun evening. There will be a live band from 5-6pm and a DJ spinning your favorite tunes along with a silent auction to raise money for the Metaphorse Herd. All proceeds go towards to horses and our great kid's camps. Thanks goes out to all our friends and family who are helping to make this possible: Upstairs at PrecedenceMadison & Eric CanoTrisha ...


Living From The Heart

February 22, 2022

Using Intuitive Self-Awareness to Assist Others June 9th - 12th, 2022 NOTE: This workshop has been delayed to the fall. Keep an eye out for the announcement Kerri’s events share pragmatic tools for self-awareness and living with an open heart in every context. A unique 3.5-day experience of intuitive self-awareness to expand your knowledge and proficiency with your innate sensory communication. We will have time each day to be with horses. Our time together "classroom style" is complemented by ...


The Energy of Connection

February 3, 2022

May 6th - 8th, 2022 A three day healing journey guided by the Metaphorse herd and Maria Manzione, founder of Osa Horse Medicine and certified Yoga and Energy Therapist.  “Everything is Energy and that is all there is to it. Match the frequency of the reality you want and you can not help but get that reality. It can be no other way. This is not philosophy. This is physics.”Albert Einstein Join us for three days of equine experiential learning and ancient wisdom practices guided by the ...


Heart Healing, Truth Revealing: Systemic Constellations with Horses

February 3, 2022

April 29th - May 1st, 2022 Are you in a place where your heart has closed in navigating these challenging times? Are you numb and finding yourself lost without an internal compass? Horses are uniquely gifted in their ability to hold, harness and heal human hearts, so that our truths can be revealed. Come join us in this healing and revealing weekend of systemic constellations led by the Metaphorse Herd in Montrose, CO. Cost of Workshop: $895(includes lunches, snacks and beverages) THIS ...


Workshops & Retreats

February 3, 2022

At Metaphorse our experienced herd and facilitators specialize in providing support, clarity and lasting skill sets to assist your personal growth. We specialize in assisting those surviving trauma to move forward into balanced thriving lives, helping corporations and families learn healthy communication skills while honoring each others unique ways of communicating and leadership styles as well as setting healthy boundaries. Our workshops are specifically designed to build self confidence, empowerment, ...


Matters of the Heart: Systemic Constellations with Horses

September 17, 2021

October 22nd - 24th, 2021 9:00am – 4:30pm Has something been tugging at your heart that needs attention? Have you experienced too many losses in these times of uncertainty? Are you ready to connect on a deeper, more authentic level? Acknowledging our hearts’ aches and longings while accessing ancestral alchemy can serve to realign us with living an enriched, fulfilling life! Come join us in exploring and restoring matters of the heart with systemic constellations and the Metaphorse Herd this coming ...


Closer To The Heart II

September 17, 2021

Using Intuitive Self-Awareness to Assist Others November 4th - 7th, 2021 Kerri’s events share pragmatic tools for self-awareness and living with an open heart in every context. Rather than teaching a modality or a practice, the events share an opportunity to learn intuitively, to be in a healing environment while getting to know yourself without judgment. Wisdom and perspectives are shared through stories and discussion around each topic. Most events are held among animals. Their sublime presence ...


Closer To The Heart

April 15, 2021

Using Intuitive Self-Awareness to Assist Others July 8th - 11th, 2021 Kerri Lake offers guidance and teaching from personal experience and pureconsciousness. She teaches real tools to be kind with your mind and navigate life with an open heart. You will leave this class with a new, integrated awareness and pragmatic experience that can serve your relationship with your horses and with yourself. You are invited to experience new levels of personal sensory awareness and clarity in this 3.5 day event ...


Belonging: Resetting Our Soul’s Compass Systemic Constellations with Horses

April 15, 2021

June 4th - 6th, 2021 9:00am – 4:30pm Are you in the midst of wondering what’s next? Are you finding yourself a bit lost or undecided about where you belong and how to move forward in these times of change? Reconnecting with our roots can serve as an inspirational reset of our soul’s compass to reveal and heal what ails us. As we uncover and discover a new chapter that is waiting to emerge, portals and paths will reveal themselves under the guidance of this remarkable herd! Hope you will ...


Earth Curative Constellation 3 Day Workshop 

February 21, 2021

March 19 – 21, 2021 9:30am – 4:30pm Restoring balance to our Earth requires our own individual courage and vulnerability to “show up and do the work”. When we heal and live in more energetic balance with the Earth and her natural harmonies our collective healing raises the vibration globally, benefiting all of the Earth and her inhabitants. The energetic flow of the Earth’s healing cycle restores and strengthens through our healing intentions. As the Earth heals, we heal, as we heal, the ...


Restoring the Flow of Love with Systemic Constellations and Horses

March 5, 2020

We are so excited to be hosting this event with Susan Crimmins! We hope you will be a part of this one; if you have noticed some patterns that you wish to heal and are feeling a bit stuck in some of your life choices/circumstances, this one is for YOU!  Come join us! Please email Susan at to sign up! Logistics Please bring appropriate clothing, including boots. No sandals or clogs can be worn around horses. Hats, sunscreen, water bottles and your favorite ...


Healing in Harmony

May 19, 2019

Logistics Please email or contact Susan at (310) 633-3800 to sign up. You'll need to arrive on July 25th, 2019 (a lite meal will be served on this evening) and depart on July 29th, 2019 (the workshop ends at 4:oo on July 28, 2019). Please let us know if you need a ride from the Montrose Airport. You may want to check flights coming into Grand Junction, CO; they can be considerably less expensive, however you would need to arrange your own transportation. Please bring appropriate clothing, ...


Life’s Transitions

February 9, 2019

June 16th – 22nd Change is inevitable, but sometimes finding our way through life’s transitions can be difficult and stressful especially if we are holding on to how things “should be” or if coming out of our “comfort zone” puts us right in to the “panic zone”, leaving us no room to trust our gut feelings and intuition on how to move forward. Partnering with horses who are masters of living in the present moment, we can learn how to live in our “stretch zone”. That area just out of the ...


Dust If You Must

February 9, 2019

August 16th - 18th Traditionally ancient and indigenous cultures have looked at the time of the full moon as an opportunity to see what is holding them back from full filling their soul’s journey. When we partner with horses for self healing and growth we are tapping into our ancestors ways of co creating harmony not only within our selves, but how we move through life. Do you have dreams and aspirations, but feel stuck and unable to move towards them? When you try to move forward are you frequently blocked ...


Find Your Authentic Self

February 9, 2019

April 25th – 28th There is a lot of talk these days about “authenticity”, but what does this really mean? How do we know when we have accessed our “authentic self” and more importantly how do we live there? Equine Experiential Learning offers us the unique gift of partnering with ancient sentient beings who only know how to live in authenticity. Through carefully designed activities they will show us how we show up in the world and in the most gentle of ways guide us to not only experience our own ...


Women’s Empowerment Group

August 27, 2018

Equine Experiential Learning jump starts your journey of self discovery and transformation. Connecting with horses helps people reconnect with their heart and soul, their Authentic Self, inspiring healing and growth. They do this easily because horses live in the present moment and are guided by their intuition. They are true masters of non-verbal communication, clearly mirroring to us our subconscious thoughts or behaviors.   Benefits of Partnering with horses: Increase self awareness ...


Horse Leasing

March 18, 2018

Unfortunately, we are maxed out for our leasing program. As slots come available, we will make an announcement. Metaphorse is offering horses for lease for your riding pleasure. Nothing fancy and nothing flashy but plenty of trust worthy mounts. All shapes and sizes, plenty of colors and horsonalities. Come meet the 15 horses you have to choose from, they are waiting to take you away from it all. How it works: Lessee will need to prove a working knowledge of horses and tack. Metaphorse adheres to the ...



March 18, 2018

Star is a 19 year old Registered Appendix Quarter Horse mare. A delight to ride, she has known barrel racing to trail riding. She is the only horse I've known to not really care about her herd members. She's often standing off by herself. Come meet Miss Star and take her for a test ride. Breed: Appendix Quarter Horse Color: Buckskin Age: 20 See our Lease page for more info about leasing ...


Horsemanship & Riding Lessons

March 18, 2018

Jody has over 40 years of riding and riding instruction experience and is the perfect instructor for all riding abilities. Designing riding programs to suit individual needs is our specialty. Starting with matching the right horse to the right student, then building relationship, which in turn builds trust. We have several different lesson choices listed below with more info under each link. INDIVIDUAL & GROUP - English or Western Riding Lessons: Most popular with the kids, but adults love these too. ...


Equine Experiential Learning

March 18, 2018

What is EEL? When a uniquely designed equine activity is facilitated, debriefed and feedback is given, it drives the message home. Huge Ahhh moments happen, an EEL session can truly be a profound experience. We’re always told that we learn from experience, “Live and Learn”. Actually going through an experience is a more powerful way to learn and is proven to cause a lasting change. Have you ever felt like you can't stand up for yourself or have a problem saying No? Do you struggle with managing ...


Natural Horsemanship Lessons

March 18, 2018

Jody will teach you the basic fundamentals of Natural Horsemanship. This method is based on building a partnership with your horse by winning the 7 games that horses play every day, all their lives. These Natural Horsemanship lessons involve more ground work so students are slower to start the actual riding part of their lessons but your knowledge and understanding of horses is far greater. Prices: Individual: $65 Group: $45 per ...


English or Western Riding Lessons

March 18, 2018

We teach basic horse care and handling. Students learn to catch, halter, tie, pick feet, grooming parts of the horse, saddle & bridle and they learn to ride. We want you to be able to leave here a confident, knowledgeable horse person, ready for horse ownership. Prices: Individual: $60 Group: $40 per ...